
The Wilderness Dilemma

Marshes don’t have the grandeur of the mountains or the ocean, the serenity of a lake, or the intrigue of a forest. In fairytales, they are often portrayed as the places where beasts and evil beings creep about—places of decay and death. In Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, the Dead Marshes are based on Tolkien’s…

Bailey White & Belonging

I used to think writers needed intense life experiences for their work to be valid. Surviving childhood trauma, death of loved ones, grinding poverty, violence, or illness was necessary to produce lasting, meaningful work. Now I think this is BS. First, sadness and joy come with being human—like fries with a BLT at a roadside…

Remembering Bourdain

When we learned in 2018 that Anthony Bourdain had passed, my husband and I were shocked. We had watched his show, Parts Unknown, for years and felt like he was our good friend. Maybe he was a bit rough around the edges, but he brought out the best in each area he visited and each…

On Writing (for Kids)

When my oldest son was a toddler, and the Minnesota winters kept us inside, we’d spend hours reading picture books. We’d drive to the library, check out a foot-tall stack of books, and then read through the entire stack multiple times a day until the next library trip. My husband and I quickly learned which…


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